Test Set Database

(Lodewyk, Siebert, and Tantillo)Tan12a

This "Test Set" database of 80 small organic molecules was initially compiled (with 1H data) by Rablen, et al.Rab99a,Rab09a It was then later augmented with 13C data by Tantillo, et al.

Note: A caveat with the 13C data is the presence of carbon atoms bearing chlorine and other halogens. While not an issue at all for the 1H data, specific errors caused by neglect of relativistic effects lead to extra error in the 13C data, which adversely affects the linear regression data.Tan12a Therefore for the 13C scaling factors determined from this database, data for carbon atoms bearing halogens was specifically eliminated.

Please clion the link below to view the test set database (PDF document)


Probe Set Database

(Lodewyk, Siebert, and Tantillo)Tan12a

This "Probe Set" database of 25 small organic molecules was developed to assess the performance of 1H and 13C scaling factors determined with our "Test Set" database.

Please click on the link below to view the probe set database (PDF document)
